Successful ORMOND Dog Handler

Successful ORMOND Dog Handler

Our special thanks to the promotion of "Christ ORMOND Offspring - Dogs" to the Dog Handlers, dogs whose owners & our TEAM.


Photo Impressions: 

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Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2025
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Sinah Kok with Christi ORMOND Xtended Version

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2024
Sinah Kok, Julia Forbes, Bianca Aszmoneit, Jessica Schilar, Joeline Möhring, Maren Hildebrandt, Neomie Seesing, Sandra Tietje, Brigitte Prigge, Tanja Bock, Janik Hüning, Dana Danner

Tanja Bock with Christi ORMOND Raise me Up

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2023
Tanja Bock, Jessica Schilar, Neomie Seesing, Sinah Kok, Esther Danner, Korinna Nietsche, Sonja Auringer, Enrico Franke, Stephanie Ehlers

Neomie Seesind with Christi ORMOND Always admire me and Christi ORMOND Release Me

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2022
Neomie Sessing, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Korinna Nitsche, Jessica Schilar, Tanja Bock, Enrico Franke, Sinah Kok, Dana Danner, Sonja Auringer

Heike Winter with Christi ORMOND Highly Diamond Fuji

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2021
Heike Wnter, Neomie Seesing, Sinah Kok, Anna-Isabel Neubauer, Tanja Bock, Jörn Prigge, Nancy Brackmann

Sonja Auringer with Christi ORMOND Unforgettable Heart

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2020
Sonja Auringer, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Tanja Bock, Nancy Brackmann, Enrico Franke

Neomie Seeing with Christi ORMOND Immortal Soul

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2019
Neomie Seeing, Heike Winter, Susan Henschler, Enia Hase, Sandra Stolte, Linda McGlade, Sonja Auringer, Geneviève Dubuc, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Nancy Brackmann

Neomie Seeing with Christi ORMOND Release Me

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2018
Neomie Seeing, Tanja Bock, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Heike Winter, Matthias Golbeck, Jeanette Doose, Susan Henschler, Martin Forbes, Nancy Brackmann, Enia Hase

Matthias Golbeck with Christi ORMOND Magic Moon

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2017
Susanne Hilse, Martin Forbes, Tanja Bock, Max Sparn, Nancy Brackmann, Diana Ziegerer, Linda Petermann, Heike Winter, Matthias Golbeck, Jörn Prigge, Doreen Bertram, Esther Danner, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert

Esther Danner with Christi ORMOND Incognito Celebrity

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2016
Esther Danner, Matthias Golbeck, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Heike Winter, Karina Schultz, Linda Petermann, Susan Henschler

Axel Kernbach with Christi ORMOND Important Ivanhoe

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2015
Axel Kernbach, Matthias Golbeck, Melissa Bausch, Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Enrico Franke, Heike Winter, Martina Otto, Nancy Brackmann, Susan Henschler

Angelique Kronefeld-Obert with Christi ORMOND Intelligent Solution

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2014
Angelique Kronefeld-Obert, Doreen Bertram, Elke Mosch, Enrico Franke, Esther Danner, Linda Petermann, Nancy Brackmann, Martina Otto

Isabel Rupp with Christi ORMOND Honeysuckle Rose

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2012
Isabel Rupp, Alexander Schlegel & Kopp, Frank Schmidt

Anna-Carina Sassnau with Christi ORMOND Coppola

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2011
Anna-Carina Sassnau, Annika Schmidt, Petra Martin, Alexander Schlegel & Kopp

Frank Schmidt with Christi ORMOND Everest Maxima

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2010
Frank Schmidt, Maren Picard, Alexander Schlegel

Annika Schmidt with Christi ORMOND Exquisite Selection & Frank Schmidt with Christi ORMOND European Illusion

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2009
Annika Schmidt, Frank Schmidt, Petra Martin

Christine Lüer with Christi ORMOND Centurio

Here are some photo impressions (gallery). Please click on the photo.
Here you can see successful ORMOND Dog Handler in 2007
Christine Lürer, Caro Lange, Karina Schultz, Kerstin Scharrelmann